Julie Sweetkind-Singer is the Associate University Librarian for Science and Engineering Resources at Stanford University. She began her career at Stanford in 2020 as the map librarian and was promoted to the Head Librarian for the Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections in 2004, a position she continues to hold. In her roles, she oversees the support and infrastructure provided to the faculty, researchers, and students for cartographic resources and programs centered in the Libraries. She developed and oversaw the work of the Stanford Geospatial Center, which has recently been moved into a new unit in the libraries focused on research data services. In conjunction with noted map collector David Rumsey, they created the Digital Philanthropy Map Collections Project whose aim is to work in conjunction with private map collectors to allow scanning of their antiquarian collections. Julie has been instrumental in bringing many map collections to Stanford through donation or acquisition including the Glen McLaughlin Collection of Maps of California as an Island, the Robert C. Berlo Road and Street Map Collection, the James B. Case Glacier Map Collection, the Caroline Batchelor Collection of Maps of Africa, and the University Of Tennessee-Knoxville collection of World War II captured Japanese and German maps.
Julie has published papers on digital preservation, supporting GIS users, digital philanthropy, and World War II mapping. She has created online exhibits on World War II era mapping, mining maps and views, California as an island maps, Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, and the history of the Stanford Geological Survey. She was on the faculty and co-coordinator of the Stewardship Track at the Institute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship at the University of Virginia (2009). She taught GIS/Map Librarianship at San Jose State University’s MLIS Program (2002, 2005) and taught at the Australasian Rare Book School (2015, 2020). Julie served for six years on the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (2014-2019, Chair: 2016-2018), an Advisory Committee to the FGDC. She currently sits on the User Working Group for SEDAC, the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center at Columbia University.
Courses Taught:
- Understanding Maps in an Academic Environment: 2021
- History of Maps: 2013, 2015, 2017