The California Rare Book School is located in the GSE&IS Building on the north campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. The street address is 300 Charles E. Young Drive North, Los Angeles, CA 90095, roughly at the intersection of Royce Drive and Charles E. Young Drive North (view Google map).
If you are using a mapping website or GPS device for directions, you may find it convenient to enter the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Hilgard Avenue as your destination, which will put you in the vicinity of the school.
To locate the GSE&IS Building, consult the UCLA interactive campus map (search for “GSEIS”). Note that GSE&IS occupies two buildings on campus, the so-called GSE&IS Building, which houses the Department of Information Studies (where you’re headed), and also Moore Hall, which houses the Department of Education. The GSE&IS Building is located next to Young Research Library (which houses UCLA Special Collections).
If asking directions from a passerby on campus, ask them to direct you to the Young Research Library and then facing the front entrance head west (left). The GSE&IS Building is North of the North Campus Student Center, more commonly referred to as Northern Lights.
Public events are usually held in either Room 111, located on the first floor, or the GSE&IS Salon, which is an open area located on the second floor. The main office is located in a cubicle also on the second floor. If you need additional help, there is an information desk located on the second floor to your right as you enter from the main stairway.
Parking at UCLA
UCLA allows visitors to purchase short-term parking for certain parking lots. Consult the UCLA Transportation & Parking website for more information.
A local area map displays the GSE&IS Building, Moore Hall, and nearby parking lots and information kiosks where parking passes may be obtained. The closest parking lot to the GSE&IS Building is Lots 3.
There are self-service parking pay stations in the north garage of Lot 3 (the entrance to the north garage is located immediately as you enter the UCLA campus from Hilgard Avenue). Note that there are three entrances to Lot 3, two of which are reserved for UCLA permit holders (sometimes with or without a gate); be sure to enter Lot 3 in the visitor entrance. Once you enter the north garage, locate the “Pay by Space” parking area.
Pay stations allow you to select the time you need to spend on campus and pay accordingly (all-day passes can also be purchased). Parking pay stations accept $1 and $5 dollar bills, as well as VISA, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards. Do not park in spaces labeled “Blue Permit Only.”
If it is your first visit to UCLA, we recommend that you budget extra time to find parking.
For students enrolled in courses at the Clark Library, please read the following: Clark Library Accommodations.