Texts, Maps, and Networks: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Current Faculty: Catherine DeRose
Description: This week-long course offers an introduction to the field of Digital Humanities, broadly considered. We will begin with an overview of the field, looking at the history of humanities computing and the rise of the digital book. The remaining days of the course will consist of deep dives into specific areas of Digital Humanities, including text mining, mapping, and network analysis. We will move between these aggregate, distant readings of texts and traditional close readings to consider what’s gained and lost in the transition.
Participants in the course will gain hands-on experience working with out-of-the-box, open source tools. Sample datasets will be provided, though there will also be opportunities for participants to build their own. Short recommended readings for each day will be available online.
Requirements: This course is intended for those with little or no formal instruction in Digital Humanities. Participants are asked to bring a laptop with them that they could use for the week.
Years Taught: 2018