Stephen Davison led the UCLA Digital Library Program from 2004 to June 2015, when he became Head of Digital Library Development at Caltech. At both UCLA and Caltech he has overseen the creation, management, and delivery of digital content; engaged with campus, national and international partners in a wide range of projects; and worked with faculty and students on the development of data management, digital preservation, and digital humanities services and projects. Stephen started at UCLA as the Music Librarian for Special Collections and Systems. That former role, combining as it did technology and special collections, was a perfect training ground for his subsequent work.
Stephen holds degrees in Physics and Music Performance from the University of Melbourne (Australia), graduate degrees in Musicology from the University of Michigan and the City University of New York Graduate Center, and graduated with an MLIS from UCLA. Although teaching high school Physics and Mathematics is now a distant memory, Stephen has consistently found reasons to include technology in his academic activities, culminating in his current role. Along the way he has taught Music History at Baruch College/CUNY and at the University of Southern California, and lectures regularly on digital library topics at the UCLA Department of Information Studies.